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Are you ready to create positive changes ?

With the use of gentle healing modalities, it is possible to resolve issues and facilitate personal transformation that can be truly life changing.
EN   L3 Belief Code Badge   D2023
certified emotion code2

Energy specialist at La Garde-Freinet

Create positive change with Nicolas Lombard - Energy Healing in the Var

The body is a self-healing organism

It knows what is wrong and what it needs

The Body Code is how we decode it

What is The Body Code™ ?

 Developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, the Body Code™ is a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing. The goal of this method is to identify and correct any imbalances in the body that may be causing discomfort, dysfunction, or emotional issues.

 The Body Code method recognises that everything in the body is interconnected, and imbalances in one area can affect the body as a whole. By addressing imbalances in these different areas, we can help restore balance to the body's energy system and promote overall health and well-being.

 The Body Code addresses 6 different main types of imbalances:

  1. Energy Imbalances - emotional and/or post-trauma energies, mental and offensive energies, etc.
  2. Circuit or System Imbalances - organs, glands, chakras, disconnections, meridians
  3. Toxin Imbalances - heavy metals, free radicals, EM spectrum, chemicals, microbial
  4. Pathogen Imbalances - parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral, mold
  5. Misalignment Imbalances - bones, nerves, muscles, connective tissue, organs and glands
  6. Nutrition or Lifestyle Imbalances - Ph imbalance, foods, herbs, nutrients, dehydration, magnetic field

 While the Body Code method is not meant to replace medical treatment, it can complement traditional healthcare and help the body's innate self-healing ability to take over. By correcting underlying imbalances, the body can function as it should, discomfort and malfunction often disappear, nutrients can be absorbed properly, energy levels can be raised, and emotional issues can become manageable or non-existent.

 Overall, the Body Code method is a powerful tool for promoting overall health and well-being by restoring balance to the body's energy system. By identifying and correcting imbalances, we can help the body function at its best and promote optimal health and wellness.

 It can help with

  • Reducing chronic pain like neck pain, back pain, knee pain, etc.
  • Releases stress and anxiousness
  • Addiction or lousy habit problems 
  • Pregnancy disorder such as morning sickness 
  • Remove toxins present in the body
  • Ensures the free flow of energy and balances the chakras
  • Improves the overall life and wellbeing of the individual


body code

‘’Breaking free from limiting beliefs is the key to unlocking the doors of endless possibilities.”

Belief Code

What is The Belief Code®?


First, let me explain the limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are subtle yet powerful thoughts that act as invisible barriers, shaping our perceptions and influencing our actions. They resemble outdated rules from past experiences and societal influence. Phrases like "I'm not good enough" create an imaginary ceiling on our potential. These beliefs significantly impact personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being, akin to clouds blocking our true abilities. The exciting part? We can challenge and transform these beliefs, updating the mental rule book. Identifying and replacing limiting beliefs with positive thoughts allows us to break free from self-imposed limits, unlocking a life of abundance and success.

Understanding How Core Beliefs Affect Your Health :

Core beliefs are the deep-seated ideas that shape how we see ourselves and the world. They can be helpful or unhelpful, influencing our decisions and thoughts. Unhelpful core beliefs, often formed early in life, can impact mental health and overall life satisfaction. These beliefs aren't always based on balanced opinions – they can be absorbed from family, friends, teachers, and media. Limiting core beliefs hinder potential, fostering negativity. Positive beliefs empower resilience, self-belief, shaping our reality and influencing how we experience the world.

How Limiting Core Beliefs Affect Your Life :

Limiting beliefs can lead to various physical and emotional issues, impacting self-confidence, decision-making, and relationships. These issues significantly affect overall well-being.


Mind-Body Connection: Limiting beliefs create stress, contributing to physical issues like cardiovascular problems and weakened immune function.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy : Beliefs influence actions, reinforcing negative experiences and emotional troubles.

Neuroplasticity : Limiting beliefs create pathways for negative thoughts; replacing them reshapes connections, promoting emotional well-being.

Impact on Emotional Health : Negative beliefs generate emotions like fear, shame, or guilt, contributing to mental health issues.

Health Behaviors : Beliefs shape lifestyle choices, potentially leading to physical ailments over time.

Perception of Pain : Negative core beliefs can intensify physical pain, while positive beliefs contribute to pain management and recovery.

Energy Flow : Limiting core beliefs may create blockages, contributing to physical and emotional imbalances.

Relationship Dynamics : Limiting beliefs about oneself and others can impact relationships, causing emotional distress.

Identifying and transforming limiting core beliefs is crucial for overall well-being. This is where the the Belief Code® come into action.

Introducing the Belief Code® – Your Path to Transformation :

Inspired by the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™, The Belief Code® is a cutting-edge form of energy healing developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that stands out for its ability to swiftly remove negative belief systems deeply embedded in the subconscious mind. Unlike traditional therapies, the Belief Code offers a fast-track technique for transformative change.

While other methods often requires regression to identify limiting beliefs, the Belief Code takes a quantum leap forward. Utilising innovative mind-mapping technology, this method allows the subconscious mind to guide practitioners directly to the root of the issue. The result? Identifying and resolving limiting beliefs in a matter of minutes.

Belief Code® doesn't just target a single belief – it uncovers and releases entire negative belief systems, creating room for positive ones. This is why it's so effective. If you're experiencing discomfort and struggle, it's often not just one belief but a whole network of interconnected beliefs. The Belief Code® can help you uncover, release, and create positive change.

10 Areas of Life Positively Impacted by Empowering Beliefs :

Self-Confidence : Affirming confidence and capability boosts self-esteem.

Career Success : Believing in deserved success fosters a proactive mindset.

Relationships : Embracing worthiness enhances healthier connections.

Financial Abundance : Shifting from scarcity to prosperity attracts positive financial outcomes.

Health and Well-being : Affirming control over well-being encourages a healthier lifestyle.

Creativity : Positive beliefs unlock innovative expressions of creativity.

Goal Achievement : Believing in capability drives motivation and persistence.

Emotional Resilience : Positive thoughts enhance emotional well-being.

Learning and Growth : Openness to new experiences encourages personal growth.

Life Satisfaction : Gratitude for the present moment increases overall life satisfaction.


By consciously shifting limiting beliefs to positive and empowering ones, you can create an optimistic mindset, fostering personal growth and a greater sense of well-being in various aspects of your life. If you're ready to unlock your full potential, consider exploring the transformative power of the Belief Code®.

Much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become trapped within us


The Emotion Code is a simple and powerful method of finding and releasing these trapped energies


WHAT IS THE Emotion Code® ?

 The Emotion Code® is an energy healing technique designed to help identify and release trapped emotions (which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events). It is a small but very important part of the Body Code

 Trapped emotions can cause feelings of depression or anxiety, they can interfere with the proper functioning of your body's organs and tissues, causing pain, fatigue and illness.

 When a trapped emotion is released, a burden is lifted and people often feel a sense of lightness upon release. Finding and releasing these trapped negative energies can lead to big changes in the way you feel and behave, the choices you make, and the results you get.

Trapped emotions can create a wall around  your heart that can block you from living life to the fullest

What is the Heart Wall ?

A Heart-Wall can form when the energy of one or more emotions is trapped around the heart. A Heart-Wall is your body's attempt to protect your vulnerable heart.

When this energetic barrier forms, it can prevent us from feeling hurtful and negative emotions as deeply.

While this can be helpful in the short term, the problem is that it also inhibits our ability to feel loving, joyful and wonderful emotions! If you've ever felt like you have trouble opening up to the people around you, as if something is holding you back from fully connecting with others or preventing you from feeling emotions deeply, you may have a Heart Wall.

After releasing a Heart Wall, you can feel an immediate change! Many clients report being able to feel love and joy more deeply, sometimes for the first time in years.


Inside all of us lie seven energy centers of spiritual power – the Chakras

These seven centers are energetically connected to the major organs and glands that govern our body


What are the Chakras ? 

Chakras are energy centers in our body that are connected to different aspects of our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. We have seven main chakras that are aligned along our spine 
The chakras can become blocked or unbalanced due to a variety of factors, such as stress, negative emotions, trauma, illness and malnutrition. They can influence a person's physical, emotional and spiritual health, as well as their relationships and life experiences.
When the chakras are balanced, energy can flow freely through the body, which can have many beneficial effects on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Here are some of the most common effects of chakra balancing:

  • Improved physical health: Balanced chakras can strengthen the immune system, regulate bodily functions and reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Improved emotional health: Balanced chakras can help manage negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and anger. This can help reduce stress and improve mental and emotional well-being.
  • Increased mental clarity: Balanced chakras can improve productivity and creativity.
  • Increased spiritual awareness: Balanced chakras can help develop a deeper connection with the inner self and the world around us.
  • Improved relationships: Balanced chakras can help develop greater empathy, compassion and openness to others.

It is important to note that the effects of chakra balancing can vary from person to person and depend on many factors, such as general health, lifestyle habits, beliefs and spiritual practices. However, in general, chakra balancing can have positive effects on all aspects of life.


When emotionally upsetting events occur, animals can suffer from trapped emotions just as people can

And what about our friends 

Animals react to experiences almost entirely through emotion. Because they cannot communicate with language, they do so with behavior. For example, if your pet shows aggression, it is very possible that they have trapped emotions related to abuse, fear, or anxiety.

Likewise, they may be exhibiting emotional problems, such as sadness, depression, or lack of fulfillment, which may be related to abandonment, neglect, or shame. Animals react emotionally in the same way as humans.

Thus, emotional release techniques often work wonders with behavioral problems when conventional means fail.

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Nicolas Lombard
471 Chemin des Plaines, 83680 La Garde-Freinet
EN   L3 Belief Code Badge   D2023badgecertified emotion code2