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Getting to know Nicolas Lombard better at La Garde-Freinet

A little about your energy specialist in emotional code in the Var

 I was born and grew up in the South of France. I was lucky enough to have the freedom of living in nature. My father’s parents lived on a farm, a vineyard with plenty of room to roam and run while my mother’s parents lived next to the Mediterranean Sea, this is where I fell in love with the sea and the underwater world including all the creatures.

 We also had plenty of animal’s arounds us, my mother would always rescue cats, dogs and horses. This really imprinted on me and so I naturally love animals and to be completely honest, I definitely loved animals more than people at that time.

 Once I finished school, I studied to be a boat mechanic and after 6 years, I was given an opportunity to go to Dubai, working on speed boats in this race industry. The financial crises of 2008 put an end to it before it even started. but open me up to the idea of travelling. as luck had it I was inspired by a friend to go for an adventure in Australia.

 Australia is where my spirituality went to a knew level, as I was travelling around the country, I met many amazing spiritual teachers and healers who taught me so much. I also met my wife, who is in my eyes, a reel angel on hearth. She taught me a lot too.

 2016 is when a new big shift happened in my life, I just spent over 5 years working for the most difficult boss I ever had to work for, and my wife and I were expecting our first child. I needed to create a new life, I hated my job and I could not see any positive future staying on the same path.

 This realisation put me into a spiritual awakening. I went on a journey of self-discovery. I started reading and listening to many books and podcasts on many different topics to improve my way of life, but one topic got my interest more than the others, the Subconscious mind.  This is where most of what make our life, “positive” or “negative”, come from.

 It is my drive to know more about this part of ourself that got me to read The Emotion Code book in January 2018. I started using the techniques taught in the book and quickly noticed that I was able to create positive changes in the life of people around me. It felt fulfilling, something I haven’t felt for a while.

 Since then my main focus has been to improve my healing abilities, I became a student of Joe Dispenza, Mindvalley, Access Consciousness and I became a certified ThetaHealing practitioner, Emotion Code practitioner, a Body Code practitioner and a Belief Code practitioner.

 I finally found purpose in what I am doing, I know deeply now that helping others, humans and animals, is what I want to do.